English Elation!

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Although you may speak and write it every day, English grammar, vocabulary, and spelling are not easy! Because it continually adopts foreign words and invents new words, English has grown into one of the world's richest but most complicated languages. To become a master communicator, use the guides and tools in this section to enhance your language and writing skills!



PMSS: Patch, Match, Scratch, & Slash!
Use this surefire method to catch and correct every error. PMSS (pimz) is especially effective when revising computer-generated documents.

4 pages
Computer Proofing
Computers are notorious for introducing new types of errors into your writing. Learn how to lift Legacy Errors carried over from a previous document and bust BAGUS Errors: Boundaries, Alignments, Graphics, Updates, Sequences.

7 pages
Alpha Order
Sorting numbers is easy. We know that 9 comes before 10.
Sorting letters is tougher. Which comes first, J or I?
Most of us have to sing the “ABC” song to be sure.
Solution: Link each letter to its own number!

2 pages

Spelling Spoofs
With words derived from so many languages, spelling in English can be a nightmare. Good news! Spelling ability is not a measure of your intelligence–it's a skill that can be learned.

8 pages
Vocabulary Views
One word can have many meanings. Many words can mean the same thing. Keeping all this straight can be a challenge.
Grammar Goofs
Common grammatical errors, how to fix them, rules behind them.
Punctuation Patterns
Commas, quotes, hyphens, and more. When to use them, when not.
Grammar Elements
Gramma is Greek for letter. Letters make languages. Grammar gives rules for languages. The challenge is there are many rules and many exceptions. English has 8 parts of speech, 5 building blocks, and 3 sentence parts.

6 pages
Parts of Speech
Nouns Name
Noun name persons, places, animals, activities, events, ideas, and all sorts of things. Types: Common / Proper, Concrete / Abstract, Countable / Uncountable, Compound, Collective.
2 pages

Adjectives Advertise
Adjectives advertise attributes of nouns or pronouns by telling what kind, which one, how many.... Types: Articles, Compound, Consecutive, Demonstrative, Indefinite, Interrogative, Number, Possessive, Proper, Postpositive, Title.

2 pages
Pronouns Point
Pronouns point to
nouns with alternate names.
Types: Demonstrative, Indefinite, Interrogative,
Personal, Reflexive, Relative.
2 pages
Verbs Verify
Verbs verify a noun's action or state of being.
Types: Conjugations, Regular / Irregular, Transitive / Intransitive, Linking, Helping (Auxiliary). Tenses: Past, Present, Future. Aspects: Simple, Progressive, Perfect, Perfect-Progressive. Voices: Active, Passive.
Moods: Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive.
8 pages
Adverbs Add
Adverbs add info to verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs: how
, when, where, why....Types: Manner, Degree, Time, Place, Purpose.
Adverbial Conjunctives.
Conjunctions Conjoin
Conjunctions conjoin words, phrases, or clauses together like conjoined twins.
Types: Coordinating, Subordinating, Correlative.
Prepositions Position
Prepositions position items in time, location, or manner.
Interjections Ignite
Interjections ignite messages with exclamations of emotion!
Puzzling Parts
Identifying parts of speech can be very challenging. Nearly every word has the ability to act as different parts of speech depending on how it is used in a sentence. But some words are especially difficult to classify.
Modifier Modes
Modifiers modify nouns or pronouns by answering questions like how (far, long, many), what (kind), when, where, who, why, which (way)...?
Types: Adjectives, Adverbs, Phrases, Clauses, Appositives, Compound, Comparison (Positive, Comparative, Superlative).
Verbal VAN
Verbals are words derived from verbs that can be used as Verbs, Adjectives, or Nouns (VAN). Types: Participles, Infinitives, Gerunds (PIG).
Building Blocks
Phrase Friends
A phrase consists of two or more related words.
Types: Noun, Adjective, Adverbial, Prepositional, Verbal (Participial, Infinitive, Gerund), Essential, Nonessential.
Clause Clans
A clause is a phrase that contains a subject and a verb.
Types: Independent (Main), Dependent (Subordinate), Noun, Adjective, Adverbial, Coordinate, Essential (Restrictive), Nonessential  (Nonrestrictive).
Sentence Societies
A sentence consists of a clause or clauses that form a complete thought and end with a punctuation mark ( . ? ! ).
Types: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex, Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Elliptical, Run-on, Fragment.
Sentence Parts
Subjects Star
Subjects star in a sentence (like actors star in a movie scene).
Types: Simple, Complete, Compound, Explicit, Understood, Objective Form.
Predicates Present
Predicates present the Subject’s action or state of being.
Types: Simple, Complete, Compound.
Complements Complete
Complements complete the sentence by describing the Subject or the Object of its action. Types: Predicate Nominatives, Predicate Adjectives, Object Complements, Direct Objects, Indirect Objects.
Attributes Assess
Attributes assess characteristics of parts of speech and sentence parts.
Number (Singular / Plural), Person (1st / 2nd / 3rd), Agreement (Subject-Verb), Gender (Common / Masculine / Feminine / Neuter), Case (Nominative / Possessive / Objective).
Diagrams Depict
Diagrams depict grammar elements and their relationships with a visual model of a sentence.

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